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Thursday, July 15, 2010

It's amazing what you find when you look

I have spent a lot of time complaining about the difficulties of decluttering, but today I am going to talk about one of the benefits - you find a lot of stuff that you had completely forgotten you had. Here are some of the things I have found so far:

  • fabulous black espidrills - I have a pair of cream espidrills that I bought a few years ago.  These black one I bought on sale last winter, put them away and promptly forgot about them.  I am now kicking myself because I spent all last summer thinking "gee I wish I had a pair of black espidrills".

  • bucket hat - I know this doesn't look like much, but I love this hat because it reminds me of Manchester bands and a night club I used to go to called Clockwork Orange.  I have not seen this hat for nearly four years.  I had assumed I left it on the boat my husband and I went on, on our honeymoon.

  • a present for my sister-in-law.  Who knows how many years ago this was bought.

  • a roll of great Christmas wrapping paper - you know how they say to buy cards and wrapping paper after Christmas when they are on sale?  Well that's only for organised people, coz the rest of us put it away, forget about it, and just buy more the following December.

  • Glow in the dark stars - how good are these.  I'm going to stick these up in my daughter's bedroom.

Speaking of my daughter's bedroom, here's a picture of her in it:
and yes, that really is a cot in the background that we have actually got her to sleep in (thanks to Ferberisation).  Here's some more progess photos:

I am not quite there yet, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


  1. Those stars bring back memories. Mostly memories of me trying to be a ninja and not quite understanding why I couldn't hit anything with them.

    Also that is a seriously adorable baby picture.

  2. woo hoo the cot is in.

  3. WOW!!! You have done a FAB job Isabella. Well done!!! The room is coming along nicely.

    Your daughter is a beautiful happy little girl!!! Makes me want to just hug her.

    Is that an unwrapped gift??? LOL!!! How is that possible???

  4. Thanks Nona and no, that is not an unwrapped gift. It is a gift bag that I wasn't sure what to do with. I have a strange love of packaging, I think maybe I was an origami expert in a past life. In the end I folded up the bag an put it in a memory box.
